Golly, Another Monday

“If you are a dreamer come in.
 A wisher, a liar, a hoper, a pray-er, a magic-bean-buyer...........
If you're a pretender come sit by my fire.
For we have some flax golden tales to spin.
Come in! Come in!”

~ Shel Silverstein~

Hello friends...........Merry Monday!
Gosh golly, the days have been whoosing by really fast around here.
With several lovely sunny days last week, I did battle outside in the flower beds.
The tulips are just starting to bloom, many of the perennials are up several inches and yet I am baffled (I always am) at how hardy and lush the weeds already are.
My spring time works are blooming with garden inspiration. It would appear I'm stitching anything that doesn't move.  Mr. Steiner is keeping his distance, he isn't keen on embroidered daisies on his dungarees. 
 Back to stitching for me..........
Enjoy the day!
Yours in a Whimsy~
