Lil' Red

Hey there Little Red Riding sure are looking good!
I've been singing this tune, very badly and out of tune for the past few weeks while working on this very special set.
I've created Lil' Red and the Big Bad Wolf for a special someone's anniversary present.
I had so much fun working on this set, I'm sad now that it's finished.

I guess I'll have to see what else I can amuse myself with......maybe the 3 little pigs are calling to me........
Yours in a whimsy-


Debora Hoffmann said…
I love them, Heidi! What fun! I understand being sad that they're done and will be off soon. I can see that fabricating fairytale fellows is fun! ;o)
TammyJae said…
They are wonderful Heidi! Red Riding Hood has always been my favorite story.
Now that tune is stuck in my head! LOL Hey there little red riding Hood you sure are looking good! LOL
Heidi Steiner said…
Thanks Debora and Tammy! Glad I could keep you gals humming along with me.