Veggie Patch

Where oh where has the week gone? It's been crazy you all thought I got locked in the studio. Well, I have been in the studio A LOT! And having way, way too much fun!!
I've also been hauling bins from the cellar and decking the house in all things Red, White & Blue. There's a parade of naked dress forms now all waiting for vintage patriotic costumes.
But, they'll have to wait their turn.
I've been doing some gardening too............
My favorite kind of gardening........... tending my veggie patch............Veggie Dollies are sprouting up everywhere. They're loving the sunny warm days and the buzzing of bees.

Besides all the bears and beasites being trimmed in a patriotic fashion.........the veggie gals are grabbing lots of bunting and vintage bits and pieces for themselves.
It's gonna be a great bounty of red, white & blue veggies!

See you soon.........
