....where did the week go?!?
I hope all of you have had a great week.........
I took a few days off for a little play time with Mr. Steiner and while we were away...........a mouse moved in! So, the mister set a couple traps......cause we know the little buggers never come alone and I think I can safely say there are no more mouses in the house. Only the cute little mouses I make to fill the Christmas stockings that is.
I've been playing in the studio the past couple of days............stockings are being filled with bits and baubles.... bells are jingling......sparkles and shimmering snow are layered over every's in my's everywhere.
I'm working away on winter holiday and Christmas pieces.............pretty lady bears dressed in vintage white clothing..........little bears peeking from mittens and socks.........big grand bears and beasties wearing vintage long johns and winter wooly's. Lovely dollies are in the studio too. They seem to be grabbing all the pretty wintery whites and making themselves at home in old doll trunks, suitcases, baskets and mache boots.
I'll have more pics to share soon...........
Lori Ann
John & Margaret Chandler
Betty Graf