I have the best bunch of studio helpers. Their wild exuberance makes the many hours in the studio seem like a party. There's always a lot of chatter and giggles. They are my muse, my inspiration and confidants.
You'll always hear a friendly voice when you call.
"Helllooo" the phone is ringing so I say "Helllloooooooo".
Florence Feelgood has a cure for whatever ails me and has bandaids in all shapes and sizes. She's a wiz at needle jabs, pin pricks and scissor nips.
This is the Fairy Godmother of my studio. She's in charge of keeping things neat and tidy. Trust me, this isn't a glamour job and she works really hard picking up after me.
Lucy does a lot of quacking about her job, but she's an excellent bean counter and a snappy dresser.
Buddy has the hardest job. He's in charge of packing and hauling all the bears and beasties to the UPS terminal.
I hope you're enjoying a giggly day!
Till next time.............Heidi